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Генеалогические исследования и оформление их результатов. В том числе изготовление дворянских гербов и панно с генеалогическим древом. Консультации и подготовка материалов для книг и статей.
Структурированная информация по фамилиям, событиям, географическому положению. Контакты генеалогов и волонтеров. Статьи по генеалогии.
На форуме идет живое общение и обсуждение многих тем: поиск предков, родственников и однофамильцев, работа в архивах, теория и практика генеалогии, географический аспект, сословия, войны и военные. Затрагиваются, вопросы топонимики, ономастики, происхождения фамилий, имен. Обсуждаются книги, источники информации и т.д...
Свяжитесь с нами если хотите заказать генеалогические исследования или если у вас есть какие-то предложения или вопросы по работе сайта. Мы стараемся отвечать на все вопросы, но все же посмотрите, нет ли ответа на ваш вопрос в "Советах начинающим" или на форуме.
"All Russia Family Tree" is a research project. We are specialists in genealogy, researching russian roots and russian armory.
Surname List
now the site is being transformed into a database. It makes the problem
of surnames list more easy and more complicated at the same time. English
surnames list is prezent in the Russian database directly, and you can
get to the page with your surname easily, but the surnames are groupped
by the first two letters.
Here are the letters of Russian alphabet from which surnames begin
(letters, that can be situated only in the middle of the words, are not
present here) with an aprroximate way they are pronounced. There
are links from each letter to the corresponding Russian page. |
as the 2-nd sound in "cup"
as the first sound in "book"
as the first sound in "van"
as the first sound in "glass"
as the first sound in "dad"
as all the sounds before "s" in "yes"
the 2 sound in "Jane" (the first is "d")
as the 1 sound in "zoom"
as the 2 sound in "link"
as the 1 sound in "Kate"
as the first sound in "land"
as the first sound in "Mike"
as the first sound in "Nick"
as the second sound in "Tom"
as the first sound in "Polly"
as the first sound in "rat"
as the first sound in "Sam"
as the first sound in "Tom"
as the second sound in "look"
as the first sound in "face"
as the first sound in "hurry"
as all sounds after first two in "cats"
as the first sound in "child"
as the last sound in "flash"
as the first sound in "shut"
as the 2 sound in "lady"
as the word "you"
as the German "yes" - "Ja"
Having got there, you see only a part of the surnames beginnig
from the letter you selected, to see all the other surnames you are to
click one two-letter compozition after another. If it is too difficult,
you can look through the old surnames list (if you are in a frame, links
there are at the left column, if you are not in the frame, you can get
there - www.vgd.ru/ENGLISH/fraim.htm).
You can post
your search message on the messageboard. I understand that it is difficult for a person who don't know Russian (there
is a Russian interface there), but you can try.
Not long ago it changed address, we are going
to make English interface there, but now it's in Russian.
On the left under the red word Ghost there are
four words in a line, you can push the first or the second - Новая тема
You get to a form:
In the upper line you are to write your name,
or the word Guest. Write nothing on the second line.
On the third and fifth line you must write a
header of you message.
Write nothing on the fourth line.
And write you message in the biggest square.
The message will be posted when you'll push the
grey square at the lowest dark green line
Don't forget to write your contact information,
so that people could answer you somehow. Or you can remember the address
of your message (when it appears) and vizit it to look if somebody answered.
If you wont'manage, we can post your message
on this page or on the messageboard. It's free. Write Stas at mr.ghost@mail.ru and he'll post it, maybe not immediately.
If you have somebody who can read Russian you can post your infromation
in the main database, then you have to register there. You can write not
in Russian, if you want, but to register and understand how it works there
you have to know Russian.
Later we are going to make English interface there too, but we can't
tell when... |